My Babysitters Vampire Spin-Off Wiki
Bowser jr
File:Bowser jr.jpg

Bowser Jr. is Eight and the youngest son of Bowser Koopa. He's The first Command in Works for Bowser. When Koopalings status was unknown he made his debut at Super Mario sunshine. After that he appeared in many games and will apear in more!

Bowser Jr. meets his older siblings in a game called New Super Mario Bros.Wii/NSMBW! He was the boss of the airships in world 4 and 6 and 8!..In His everybattle he had a Koopa Clown Car!

1218020-bowser jr. new super mario bros

Bowser Jr.'s status after Super Mario Galaxy 2/SMG2 is known! He lives in iceberg! (Later heroes going to rescue donkey kong) It was really unclear or not

Why he landed on iceberg!

He also loves Using His Machine Koopa Clown Car over times and times.

He is most likely bowsers favorite son being named after him and helps him the most.


1-He's the youngest koopaling

2-He's just like king koopa's Baby Form!

3-He's In Command for work he's the 1st but ludwig was in Command for work in Past

4-He had been a Major Villan In Galaxy series

5-He is like younger version of his father

6-His age is rumored to be 3
